Young people

After compulsory schooling or after dropping out of an apprenticeship

During compulsory schooling, you should already be thinking about your professional future and trying to find an apprenticeship at an early stage. Enquire in your Occupational Information Office (BIZ) about suitable professions and get advice from your school, family and friends when applying. There are many websites on the Internet containing tips and templates.

If you require help in looking for an apprenticeship, contact your local vocational training and advice offices. You should also contact these offices first even after dropping out of an apprenticeship.

The RAV will also provide advice and refer you to the right place for further assistance. In addition to the vocational training measures, the RAV also offers a support measure, the Motivation semester. You can obtain more information on this at the RAV.

After vocational training

Before completing your apprenticeship/degree, you should already be looking for your first job for once you have completed your education. First, ask the company you are training with whether you can continue working for them after completing your apprenticeship. In addition to providing a complete application dossier, as a young employee you will be expected to be flexible and mobile. You should therefore also submit applications to companies in related sectors and in various regions both in Switzerland and abroad.

If you are unemployed and registered with the RAV, you will receive help looking for a job via various labour market measures. Internships and practice companies are particularly good ways to gain additional practical experience outside your former training company, make important contacts with potential employers and increase your chances of finding a job.

Gaining practical experience

It is often the case that many small steps lead you to your goal. Gaining practical experience is a step in the right direction. Take every opportunity that presents itself to expand on your knowledge of the world of work. It is important that you also take opportunities that do not necessarily correspond to your dream job.