Private employment agencies and temporary recruitment services

The responsible cantonal employment office is responsible for issuing employment and temporary recruitment permits, submitting applications and for providing in-depth information on the Recruitment and Hiring of Services Act. You can find the relevant addresses in the document Adressen kantonaler Amtsstellen (Vollzug AVG) (PDF, 140 kB, 21.12.2023).

Legislation and ordinances relating to recruitment services

Bundesgesetz über die Arbeitsvermittlung und den Personalverleih
Verordnung über die Arbeitsvermittlung und den Personalverleih
Verordnung über Gebühren, Provisionen und Kautionen im Bereich des Arbeitsvermittlungsgesetzes 

Notes on the amendment to the AVV and GV-AVG valid from 1 January 2014

On 29 November 2013, the Federal Council adopted the amendment to the AVV and GV-AVG. The modified AVV and GV-AVG entered into force on 1 January 2014. Below you can find the amended article and the related explanations.

The joint declaration is an agreement between the signatories and is intended to serve as a basis for cooperation in placing jobseekers.


Relevant documents 

Companies that exclusively place owners/co-owners on a temporary basis